Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 10, 1924, p. 3 (2024)

tllk gkoiilkmhivn 1 1 klta 11 hiliiiifii 10ti1 wl school supplies a complete line of public and high school text books also scribblers exercise books looao leaf note boots tablets slates drawing pads school llagi everything necessary to begin the term right tr- djmatthew t mtuu3 nod stationery h r o k local news hems get your taxes ready bead tbe tax notice in una issue how about your subscription is it paid mobean co will be opeo all day thursday thundering dawn bex theatre to night e pall fair prise list will be ready for distributic- day mr h g clark is judging jersey cattle at london pair this week mr j a evans has bud flow ers over twelve feet high in his garden in town if it keeps this weather you had better pat em on oven you have to take em off again mr mo lean a returned mis sionary from china spoke ifa the presbyterian chorch last sunday morning mr duncan campbell of mof fat was awarded fourteen prizes on his shorthorn cattle at toronto exhibition ashgrove upo upow club will meet on thursday even ing sept 11th at the bume of mr e huffman the steel drag has greatly im proved the streets in town where it has been used let tbe good work continue the local counoil of women will meet in tbe best booms of bank of montreal on tuesday buil lfltli at 8 jfro- dont miss seeing way down east at tbe rex theatre next monday and tuesday it ia a big special at a small price esqueaing council will meet on monday sept 22 at 7 pm tbe change of time has boon made on account of the school fair jgeorgetown poultry associa tion meeting in the counoil cham ber on satirday evening septem ber 18th at a pm everybody welcome tbo comet solos by one ot the band amen with the hal ton rifles ia- the park on sunday evening were much enjoyed by those in tbe neighborhood word was received in acton j so monday pr the death or rev ir wilson at weyburn sank deceased was at one time pa a to i of the presbytci church tbe covered wagon at tlio l rex theatre drew large crowds l tt both afternoon and evening it frfuja splendid picture of the ptod- frt oftbe west and well worth iftiug merchants and business men arc warned to beware of a new madia worked by a hardlock ftory over the telephone and the oae of some local mans name if yipn get any anoh message tell the ftleman to call and see yon per kily tbe misses adams are show ing on wednesday bepl 10th and fojlowiag days a fall stock of the s latest styles in millinery cordially invited to callj e a selection as we are fore we can please yon it shoe repairing honeys bus in ess isstill poshing ahead and three men are at woik tbe rea son fs that tbe farmers are staying where tbey get a square dnl rnrjninit viyj mi monday morning their money we io the best and cheapen work that can be got any where womens boots half aoled and rubber heels 100- school children mnst have good leather boots and that ia what they get at hooeys all ripe sowed free kinds of new boots for sale we can undersell all cowers and goers wo have no overhead expense aha go right ahead i am putting in h larger stock than ever we do no oredit j roney georgetown reliable shoe man 2tp personals u easuin of delru irt irons of toronto united nt mr john uallimlmes laht week colonel and mrs jub ilallantii or hamilton ny arc uniting i mrs r h liaiberof imt ocd visited with mrb welhcmld hi- wcek mr will glass and son of lu ham vmitcd at ur watsons lut1 id mm f it wilmwui d durhiini friends on sunday awudod flnt je the canadian national institute for tbo blind had on exhibit of nelson wood work at toronto exlubiti among the collection wan a wnli trinket box made bj our catcoiued townsman mr oliver mckay ybich was awarded first prize the work is at ottawa this week and mr mckay added a nalnut tray to the collection which wont to the capital city rv j o wiimb dd word was received in 1oronto monday of tbe sudden death of tbe rev j c wilson ba which took place at weybnrn saskatchewan where ho had resided for the past fonr years following 14 years mm istratioo at acton ontario ho was 66 years of age and graduated from the university of toronto and knox college his u e sons and two daughtci getber with live brothers and two iters survive him rutknln wednesday scpl 10th thui dering dawn starring anna q helllson and j warren kemgi the last chapter of the way of a man comedy racing kid fridaj sept 12 the country kid with wesloy barry comedy exit ceasar hodge- podge snap- hots of the universe saturday sept 18 this f roc- lam from tbe notel by a s m hutchinson comedy creation ri ding master fox news onday and tuesday september 15th and 16th way down east by d w griffith one of the big specials one show oach night at m at the regular odi price norval tbo rev mr patterson spent latt sabbath in toronto his pul pit herd wan filled by a returned missionary from soudan uis message was full of information id inspiration delegates from all parts of peel county attended a mass meeting presbyterian church brampton to organise for the plebiscite campaign robert mc gnllotigb was reelected nresidont mcdonald vicepresident and mr boyle of brampton secre tary a convenor tor each town- ship was appointed there was iucb interest and enthusiasm manifest peel is out to win and robert mccullough is the man to lead the forces to victory halton count is organizing today nt mil- a call to arms has been sent by tbe ox president mr clearer of burlington and e u turner secretary harvest home services in the norval methodist church soptem- 21st at 11 am rev e t douglas brother of the pastor and 780 pm rev wesley dean dd a genera conference officer will prach tbe choir is pre par ing special music foitho occasion tho oburoh will be suitably decor a ted harvest home concert in nor val methodist church on thursday evening sept 115th a grand con cert put on by tbe choir and w pieroy canadas fa von to dra matist lie will render a number of short dramatic stories and hum orous sketches to hear them is to want to bear tbem again re ic an jl g coffee served at close admission to concert 25c and 15c doors open 780 pm programme b pm ider anspicosmothodid oburob mr robert boatty formerly of norval died nt his home veteran of the fenian raid mr and mrs w j frasor of button ilic announce the engage ment or their eldest daughtor kathijn uiadya kate to norman t laidlaw youngor son of mr and mrs m laidlaw ni ft the marnrgo to take place the seventeenth of september omauukan the members and all interested frie of tbe grenfell mission are aked to send jars of preserved fro it or jam for tbe annual barrel of frnit to be sent to tbe labradoi hospital kindli send to the borne of mrs dr wntan before sept ember istb at cmatla tor m iham prim ut the following correct ions have bceo made in milton pall fair prise list- class 41 sec 9 should rend largest number of prizes in class is melvin gaynan toronto will give hi prises in lieu rf societii priae lb agnruflaramemii grafton special will be given sn an added nriu to general par pom horses stewaritowu esquceing women s institute will hold their regular month l meeting on fndaybept 12th on mr tracys lawn weather per mitting if not in tho town hall norval branch will give tho pro gram all cordially invited mr and mrs james standisb enterlamrd a mimbci peoplo on fnda evening august 27131 after all hod enjojed danc ing on the lawn delicious refresh mrnts were served on the vcr andab all report a good time mr and mrs mclean of china arts visiting mr mcleans sisters mrs john and mm thos bird dr kyle is rentuiuor his con urination claescs after bis nca harvest than lhri vino servlcei at rl jobni church on thnrsdi mondoj sirs a mctavish of aclon w a guiwt or mh j mcditiiiid di mgftlic week aliases mary and helen lawson visited frieudn in horhrhloi during tbe aat week j mihfl esuir behsoy left inst week to take np bcr duties at tciirhcr in hooi major grant celebrated his thlii birthday last thurrdaj concrat- ulatious mnjor mr and mrs harris of capcro were guests or the mirror kennedy over tbe week end- rvrv mr and mrs a 1 feller and children have returned hom*o after visiting relatives nt lakollold mibs jessie lindsay spent sun day with mr and mrs a mcdon ald an tho fourth lino esqueaing mrs philip godfrey of new cautleontyne england is visit ing with hor son mr j d god fray mr walter diggins roturned borne on monday after a pleauant two months visit with friends and latives in england i mr vandette montreal and mr and mrs walton and mrs keating hamilton visited mr and mien pettit on wednesday last mr and mrs james cameron and master robert of col ling wood and miss cameron of iu omens scotland were visitors at mrs roes last week mr and mrs j macltay of cree- moro wero in town last week they visited mr neil gillies of ebquesing who lias been eonltned to bis room for some time i mrs john ballantine returned home last week after spending some weeks at the home or their daughter mrs win ed- monston in saskatchewan j ml ii ii lullmiih ullgo of a i hoot co mid dauiitci mih kiuenno liunl niuturef fuun miditm 01 li hhi frnln and suiumiuj nt the ivllit apuinei mr anil mrs i i lleiliert mihh freda llethrt mr mid mm j a wimuiighli ami mrs w ml ikl attended the best million uedjing ul tiirniitn last wediiei- glenwilliams llaicic iuiiiic conceit in ilen- uiljianui mcilimlist church pro hiainln mi ii w puiry canadas fmontc iliiiiiiiliht nthihted hj the ihuir mr inirih special story wil he keeiung up with listyien liuiii sketch of life us it ihii fiiriners veiw pnitit of cilj irfe a imcnt luugli vliiih him spread ner llie iiromiiw refreshment booth in basouieut flatuiing pie and nof adinissmn to concejit liiic and 1g uoois open 7 0 pm aim pices finance hoard w u dilug- ins pastor i harvest home mmvjcoh in ilon i mollioilist church seilember 21nt rev wfnlej dean 11 of toron to a general conference oflieei will preneli at 11 iim nnd rev k t diunla also of torontu and brother of our imlor will preaeh h at 7 oclock il is anticipated that llichc hardest home eivices will he largelj at unded there was a good nttendunce at the glon melhodiht chuieli last sablmtli evenitii mr inu gave a lery liclpful iuckrtaie and g heaulifull the duot by mi jumtmiig mrs allen wtisgiutttli enjojed li all mrb m merriduy gave a bmluto imrly lnu friday c lug m houoi of their niece viola logan about forty guests were present and a most enjoyable hpcnl in games and isic was supplied by john nuklc of li mo il urd insttiiuiental selections iveie rendered by mibs i dainty refresh men lb were served during tho ev ening after you have used salada green tea you have m standard by which to judge other teas salada ia the finest produced in the world jtry it free simple if gbeem tea upn iequest ulaii tiiut8 damin g misses clandgc will hold thei fall millinery openings ou friday id saturday september 12th and card of thanks en by imiiiy our mow llinnk- iiiiiilhy ci ovcddnuklitc smokeless locomotive type locomotives was deaigned orieinilly as a feature of the dinner decorations at the chateau frgntenac on the occasion of tbe quebec con ference of the canadian pacific railway officers equipped with bell whistle and electric lighta not a bolt or bar is lacking to mar the illuion which ia thit of a perfect engine coming through the wall against which it ia placed the headlight holds a portrait of e w beatty president of the canadian pacific at the toronto exhibition august 23rd to september cth the model will be gives a prominent position in tbe companys exhibit lit ihth and sunday 21st september its important to cut silage at the right time if silage is cut too green or after the frost has taken hold of it it wont make nearly as good or profitable feed ing as if cut at just the right time thats where one of my toronto ensilage cutters proves its worth makes you independent of a hired outfit en ables you to cut at the right timer enables you to refill after shrinkage too a feature which helps pay for the cutter in a short wliile and it will cut your straw in the winter a small gasoline engine will operate this efficient cutter let me demon strate its quality features to you or ask me for free literature w j alexander georgetown ttt j saturday treat it liaa been our aim to offer to our patrons fresh pure and icilesumo candy at roaaonnhlo prices and judging from the steady fiiifream n demand for our candioh we have planned big specials for you and we invite you to coniparo our prices iriid quality with i tthrn humbugs 23c lb remember yearn ago wliun dad used to treat us to humbugs every saturday night they were the leading eweetn in those days to day humbugs are still n favorite rogalar tc per lb saturday special 23c per lb fig caramel 29c lb freah homemade fig caramol made with lots of fresh cocoa- nut in it regular 40c saturday treat 29c per lb weekend chocolates 32c wo are selling more than over of this big saturday bpeoial assorted flavours regular 40 and fioa lines weekend special 32c per lb ice cream drick or bulk delivered harold c black main street georgetown rennies grocery pastry flour per 24 1 00 stuarts marmalade 4 75c raking powder 1 lb 20c jello 8 pkts 2cc cheese por lb 26c creamola custard pk 18o soap chips 2 lb 25c bun 2 for 25c patricia toilot soap 3 for i ng ouo bottle cocoannt oil frke orangex tomatoes rananas we deliver d r rennie cash grocery phone 151 for quick delivery house phone 273i millinery fall opening fri sat sept 12 13 we have juat received a shipment of import novelties and invite your inapeotlon of the ntewfalhtfihb we specialize on handmade hatt and order work ladies scarfs childrens hats a visit to our parlors will convince you that this seasons creations are something- real new misses clarridge herald block upstairs- buy k s tjre3 equal to am in nunhtj and better than most our prices low- m ton call and see liefore hning your lined tires and tubei repaired everything gnarentocd to f sinclair phone 26 georgetown ho s thursday bargain day 1 i groceries 1 sg 4 lb tin jhorry jam 72c 5nf 5 0 lb glass ar strawberry jam 101 k be prunes 2 lbs for 20c ftjc ut kuedlass raisins 2 lb for rip seedless raisins per pkt an seeded raisins per pkt ilk- bn quaker corn flakes klc 3s isles ioldon srup 27c larnation milk large hiko lite carnation milk small size lu puffed rice 2 for l- polar vkilfl soap 0 for szzz 2ic i olmolive hoap 3 for 2gc swiffb borai soap i for 2flc swiffi naptha soap 4 for 2ce 5 lb boo uivo corli syrup rfnv tomatocatsup pint hottle sweet muted pickles lar hie clarks pork boans 2 for bakod porkfl beans 2 for clarks spaghetti chili sauce and choose wild bcfa sweet corn gold ribbon pumpkin black green or mixed tea ev ib et september choose per lb bbroddod wheat 2 for puho west india ciine juice large bottle wheatine 4 lbs for- llass tumblers 0 for co watt electric bulbs only macdonalds smoking tobacco 2 for old chum smoking tobacco 2 for niic 25c mcbeanco georgetown 1924 taxes notice the 1924 tax notices having been sent out the first instalment is due and payable on september 24 25 and 26 i will be at the new waterworks build ing on the above dates prepared to re ceive taxes e mccannah collector important to tax payers bjlaw a which comes into force this ycargivothe col lector no option in connection with penal tj if taxes are not paid on dates indicated jn notice grandys block tea in hulk per lb co co 70 and 80 japan tea in balk per lb u- 00 and 70c pettit* clover honey 2j lb tin 4fic 5 lb tin hoe lit lb tin 155 peanut butter in bulk por lb 26c in toy pails 2fle in i lb tins 20c choice sockeyo salmon per lb tin 86e per i lb tin a 20c brooms rfio 7c nnd 100 nu jell jelly powders 3 for hfir white or red jar rubbers doz 21c metal rings for jars per doe 21c gloss tops for jars per dos 25c a m grandy phone 75 t r bb i im t our hams are tue finest that money can bvv oualitys fiw the price ae wright butcher main st georgetown rfeoges shop ik boast 2j5j alarm clocks ah old motto revised in the good pld days the motto was early to bed and early to rise but now it aeema to be get to bed when you can and pat yoar faith in big ben big ben t baby ben blackbird and america clocks 2 to 450 we also hove a cheaper alarm clock at 150 a b willson jeweller neit to hotel mclttibbou georgetown



Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 10, 1924, p. 3 (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.