How to Cook Bulgur Wheat: 3 Easy Recipes (2024)

By Sven Christian SchulzCategories:

Bulgur wheat can be served hot or cold, and is an essential ingredient in many delicious dishes. We’ll share some basic tips on how to cook bulgur wheat and give you a few tasty recipes to try out at home.

What exactly is bulgur, anyway? Bulgur wheat is a whole wheat product made from cracked and parboiled wheat grain (as opposed to, say, wheat berries, which are whole and uncooked wheat). Despite being cracked, it is considered a whole grain and contains lots of vitamins, minerals, plant-based antioxidants and phytonutrients.

We’ll show you how to cook bulgur wheat. But please remember: it’s still wheat, so if you are on a gluten-free diet, this isn’t for you.

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Cooking Bulgur: Basic Preparation

How to Cook Bulgur Wheat: 3 Easy Recipes (1)

Bulgur wheat has been a staple of Indian, Turkish, and Middle Eastern cuisine for centuries. It has gained popularity in the US as we’ve looked to expand our grain-eating horizons.

Sometimes, bulgur and cracked wheat get labeled interchangeably, but they are slightly different. True bulgur wheat is milled raw wheat berries that have been parboiled. That means cooking bulgur is very quick. Cracked wheat is simply milled raw wheat berries that haven’t been parboiled, so they take longer to cook. Check the packaging carefully before purchasing, so you know which one you have.

How to Cook Bulgur Wheat: Cooking bulgur could not be easier.

  1. Use one and a half to two times as much boiling water as bulgur. For example, you’ll need just under two cups of boiling water for one cup.
  2. Pour the boiling water over the bulgur in a small pot.
  3. Cover and let it stand for about 15 minutes.

Cooking Cracked Wheat: If you have cracked wheat on your hands instead, don’t worry. It’s still super easy to make.

  1. Wash the wheat in a sieve until the water runs clear.
  2. Transfer to a pot and pour boiling water over the wheat, using twice as much water as bulgur.
  3. Cover and let sit for about 25-30 minutes.

Note: Bulgur wheat comes in different sizes, from quite coarse to very fine. If you’re cooking bulgur that is very coarse, boil it over high heat for a few minutes before turning the heat off and letting it stand. The classic version is fine, and should never be boiled on the stove. The coarse variety is ideal for salads, while fine is the better choice to be served as a side dish or used for making kofta.

Tip: Fine bulgur wheat can also be prepared in cold water, but this will take a few hours. Alternatively, you can let it soak overnight.

Tips & Recipes

How to Cook Bulgur Wheat: 3 Easy Recipes (2)

How to Season Bulgur Wheat:

To make your dish especially delicious, toast the bulgur in a pan with a bit of olive oil and spices like cardamom, cumin, and cinnamon before soaking. Add even more flavor with hot vegetable broth instead of water.

Bulgur Wheat Salad

  1. Pour 3 cups of boiling water or broth over 2 cups of bulgur.
  2. Add a half pound of diced tomatoes, two small chopped onions, a tablespoon of tomato paste, and a bit of olive oil to the pot. Stir, and let sit until the bulgur is soft.
  3. Finish by seasoning with cardamom, salt, paprika, and fresh herbs.

Bulgur Kofta

  1. Prepare 3 cups of fine bulgur wheat with broth.
  2. As it soaks, sauté three diced onions, three diced tomatoes, and three spring onions in olive oil.
  3. Season the finished fish with mint, cumin, chili, and salt and add the sautéed mixture.
  4. Knead into a dough, using tomato paste if necessary to help it stick.
  5. Use your hands to form small balls. Roll the balls in parsley or other herbs, and serve.

Italian Bulgur Casserole

  1. Prepare 4 cups of bulgur wheat in broth.
  2. Dice three onions, three tomatoes, three cloves of garlic and one zucchini. Sauté in olive oil with tomato paste.
  3. Mix the sautéed vegetables with the bulgur and season with salt, herb de Provence, and fresh basil.
  4. Add the mixture to a baking dish and spread it out evenly. Sprinkle 300g (about 10oz) of goat cheese on top and bake for about 20 minutes at 350°F with convection. Preheating is not necessary.

Read more:

  • Healthy Inca Grain? 9 Things you need to know about Quinoa
  • Homemade Vegetable Broth Recipe: Easy, Organic and with Freshest Ingredients
  • Growing Tomatoes in Pots: How to Plant Them on Your Balcony

This post was translated from German to English by Christie Sacco. You can read the original here: Bulgur kochen: So kannst du den Weizengries zubereiten

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How to Cook Bulgur Wheat: 3 Easy Recipes (2024)


What is the best way to eat bulgur wheat? ›

Soaking the bulgur will give you a chewier texture, which is perfect for salads like tabbouleh. It can also be boiled from raw in soups and stews.

What is the ratio of water to bulgur wheat? ›

To cook 1 cup of dry coarse bulgur wheat, you'll need 1 ½ cups of liquid. per cup of dry bulgur. Water, chicken broth, or vegetable broth are my favorite liquids for cooking bulgur.

Do you eat bulgur wheat hot or cold? ›

Rice and grains, such as couscous and bulgur wheat, can be eaten hot or cold, and in salads.

How much water do I need for half a cup of bulgur wheat? ›

In short, the water-to-bulgur ratio for each method is below: Soaking for extra fine (or fine) bulgur – 1:2 – 1 cup bulgur wheat to 2 cups of boiling water/liquid. Stovetop – 1:2 – 1 cup bulgur wheat to 2 cups of water/liquid. Microwave – 1:2 – 1 cup bulgur wheat to 2 cups of water/liquid.

Do you need to soak bulgur wheat before cooking? ›

Types of Bulgur

Coarse varieties take longer to cook than medium varieties. Fine varieties do not need cooking and can be soaked in boiling water to finish cooking. Don't use fine bulgur for this recipe—the grains are so small that they don't require cooking; a 10-minute soak in boiling water does the trick.

What does bulgur wheat do for the gut? ›

May support digestion and gut health

Additionally, adequate intake of fiber-rich foods like bulgur may also be effective for treating and preventing digestive issues, like constipation ( 15 , 16 , 17 ).

How long does bulgur wheat take to cook? ›

To make your bulgur on the stovetop, simply combine with water, bring to a boil, cover, simmer and cook until tender (about 12 minutes). You can also pre-soak your bulgur by placing it in a bowl and adding 1 cup boiling water. Stir and let stand for 1 hour, then drain off any excess liquid.

Is bulgur wheat better than rice? ›

As shown in the table below, the nutritional value of bulgur is higher than other grains such as rice and macaroni. The amount of protein, calcium, potassium and phosphorus is higher in bulgur because key minerals and B vitamins are retained during the production process.

Is bulgur wheat high in carbs? ›

Plus, with just 25.5 grams of net carbs in 1 cup (182 grams) of cooked bulgur, it's also one of the lowest carb whole grains available ( 11 ). One cup (182 grams) of cooked bulgur contains 25.5 grams of net carbs. Bulgur is also versatile, easy to prepare, and rich in manganese, iron, magnesium, and B vitamins.

Who should not eat bulgur wheat? ›

Bulgur is a cereal made from wheat, so if you have celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity or a wheat allergy, do not eat bulgur. Bulgur is made by parboiling whole wheat (usually the durum variety), drying it, then grinding it.

Does bulgur spike blood sugar? ›

Does Bulgur Spike Insulin? Bulgur is a whole grain that is low on the glycemic index, which means it does not cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels.

Is it OK to eat bulgur everyday? ›

Bulgur wheat is likely safe for consumption. However, increasing the amount of whole grains consumed on a daily basis, though beneficial for overall health, might increase the amount of bloating and gas developed.

Does bulgur wheat double when cooked? ›

Bulgur continues to swell after cooking if moisture is present. It more than doubles in volume, so be sure to use a large enough pan. Prepared bulgur can be refrigerated or frozen for later use. Bulgur can be used in meatloaf, soups, stews, casseroles and meats or sauces for Mexican or Italian dishes.

How much bulgur wheat for one person? ›

1. Pour a quantity of bulgur (about 80gr per person) and twice its volume of water into a saucepan. 2. Cook on low heat for 8 minutes, until the water is absorbed by the bulgur.

Can you cook bulgur wheat in the microwave? ›

Microwave Directions: One part #1 Fine grind bulgur to 1- ¾ parts hot water. Stir and cover; microwave on high for 2 minutes, 15 seconds. Stir, cover and let stand for 7 minutes; fluff with a fork.

Is bulgur better to eat than rice? ›

As shown in the table below, the nutritional value of bulgur is higher than other grains such as rice and macaroni. The amount of protein, calcium, potassium and phosphorus is higher in bulgur because key minerals and B vitamins are retained during the production process.

Is bulgur an inflammatory food? ›

One of the most important health benefits of bulgur is its anti-inflammatory action. Regular eating of the bulgur flour helps alleviate chronic inflammation, thereby protecting against many diseases.

Is bulgur wheat healthier than pasta? ›

Fiber: Bulgur wheat generally contains higher fiber content than refined pasta. Fiber is essential for digestion, promoting feelings of fullness, and maintaining stable blood sugar levels. Including high-fiber foods in your diet can support digestive health and help manage weight.


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